Dingy Sailing L3

This course is designed to consolidate the experience of having logged 30 hours of assisted sailing and knowledge gained in the Basic Skills –Level 2 course. It helps to gain knowledge and skills that will enable the successful participant to sail a small boat safely and competently in a seamanlike manner and have the seamanship skills to helm her in fair to moderately rough weather (light to moderate winds in calm waters) during daylight hours independently. In short you will be able to take charge and helm a small sail boat independently on achieving this award. Candidates are encouraged to…


  1. Ropework
    • Can tie a fisherman’s bend.
    • Can tie a sheet bend.
    • Can do heat sealing and whipping.
  2. Launching and recovery
    • Can leave and return to beach, jetty and mooring; including from and to a lee shore.
  3. Sailing Techniques and Manoeuvres
    Is able to :

    • Heave to and reef afloat.
    • Recover a MOB
    • Be towed by a power vessel.
    • Anchor, including explaining the principles of anchoring, and techniques of anchoring in different circumstances.
    • Sail backwards,
    • Sail in adverse circumstances i.e. without rudder or centreboard (or torn sail)
    • Know when to use the sail controls – sheets, outhaul, kicker, Cunningham, to achieve correct sail shape in different wind conditions.


  1. Sailing Theory and Background
    • Understands the following terminology:
      • Windward, leeward, abeam, forward, aft, ahead, astern, to weather, downwind, up tide, amidships, quarter, pinching, sailing by the lee, luff, bear away, planning, sternway, broach, irons.
    • Knowledge and applications of IRPCS International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea:
      • Meeting other sailing vessels, meeting a power driven vessels, action by stand-on vessel, action by give-way vessel, Crossing or navigating in a narrow channel, crossing a TSS – traffic separation scheme.
    • **Common bouyage methods and meanings
    • **Basic chart reading and Identify the risks and hazards
  2. Capsize recovery
    • Perform a full inversion capsize where a dingy turns complete ‘turtle’ or fully inverted.
  3. Meteorology
    • Knows sources of information on weather patterns for the day.
    • Can interpret forecasts and understand local effects.
    • Sailing in a Fog
    • Sailing in different Sea states
    • Beaufort Wind Scale and sailing in different wind conditions.
  4. Racing
    • Crews should have knowledge of the nature of a start line, line bias, knowing their position on the line ( transits), a basic starting sequence and how to cross it on time and at speed.


  • Capable of demonstrating the “Rope work” and “Sailing Techniques and Manoeuvres“ while on a coastal passage.
  • Knows to use the local Tide-Tables
  • Understands the “Rule of Twelfths” for tidal strength and heights.
  • Is aware of local Tidal Streams and where to source this information for other locations.
  • Has a basic knowledge of charts and symbols.

**The candidate will satisfactorily demonstrate and answer questions from the whole
syllabus for an award of their Certificate.

The candidate will satisfactorily demonstrate and answer questions from the whole syllabus for a direct award or revalidation of their Certificate.



No. of Hours



You will receive** a YAI Basic Skills – Level 3 certificate and be able to sail a boat independently in fair to moderately rough weather (light to moderate winds in calm waters) during daylight hours.


You should have logged 30 hours of assisted sailing and Sailing Skills equivalent to those gained in Basic Skills – Level 2 after the level 2 award. Each knowledge area will also include some revision of topics covered in Basic Skills – Level 1 or equivalent knowledge and experience for a direct assessment.

Where can I take the course

These YAI courses are run by Aable Boats instructors at WCMSS. Please send us an e-mail at ableboats@gmail.com and we will send you the enrollment forms to enroll you in a course best suited to your needs.

What to do afterwards?

You should now continue sailing and learn to do coastal sailing in fixed keel boats. Ask for our day sailing in keel boat award schemes.

  1. The above course fees are all inclusive.
  2. These courses are approved by World Sailing, Indian Olympic Association, The Union Minstry of Youth Affairs and Sports.
  3. Dates and times for on water sessions may be changed at the discretion of the Instructor.
  4. A Course will be completed within the stipulated dates & Times. Any carry forward of sessions will not be allowed.
  5. Certificate will be awarded basis a candidate demonstrating knowledge, understanding and doing the tasks set as per the YAI log book.
  6. We reserve the right to revise the fees in case of cost escalation of over 15 % of the present input costs.
  7. Practice boats for skill building will be made available on request, at an extra cost.