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Homi Manekshaw starts Able Boats
Sailing Safely. Responsibly.
Able Boats is led by Yachtmaster Homi Jal Manekshaw, a seasoned sailor with over 50 years of experience.
Sailing Experience
Competitive Sailing: Competed until 1981, showcasing exceptional skill and dedication.
Professional Sailing: Since 2010, Homi has sailed professionally, covering over 10,000 nautical miles as a Captain on various sailing yachts.
Regions Covered: Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean
Destinations: Malaysia, Maldives, Sri Lanka
Certifications and Accreditations
Yachting Association of India: Accredited Instructor for Sail and Power boats since 2010.
Royal Yachting Association (RYA): Yachtmaster certified to sail as Master/Captain on sail yachts up to 200 GRTons globally since 2011.
Homi’s extensive experience and certifications make him a highly respected figure in the sailing community, ensuring that Able Boats delivers unparalleled expertise and service to its clients.